Smart, Efficient Blockchain Solutions

Our blockchain solutions are created with a singular aim: to ensure that your blockchain transformation is seamless and completed within the shortest possible time. Simplicity, efficiency and innovation define our blockchain services. Our biggest asset is a team composed of blockchain experts and developers who have over 7 years of experience working in various domains. We place priority on the particular workings of your enterprise to build customised solutions with the most appropriate platform or network.

Blockchain consultancy

We provide expert guidance on the intricacies of blockchain technology. Our experienced specialists customise ...

We provide expert guidance on the intricacies of blockchain technology. Our experienced specialists customise solutions to enhance your business processes. At NCINGA, we believe in simplifying your blockchain journey, unlocking its full potential and empowering you to stay competitive for the long term.

Custom blockchain app/Dapp development

We specialise in designing unique, decentralised applications (Dapps) on blockchain technology. Our team ...

We specialise in designing unique, decentralised applications (Dapps) on blockchain technology. Our team engineers secure, innovative solutions by thoroughly understanding your specific enterprise needs. Bring your blockchain ambitions into reality to drive business strategy and growth.

NFT, SFT and SBT token development

Our team excels at deploying blockchain-based assets such as non-fungible Tokens (NFTs), semi-fungible tokens (SFTs) and ...

Our team excels at deploying blockchain-based assets such as non-fungible Tokens (NFTs), semi-fungible tokens (SFTs) and soul bound tokens (SBTs). Whether your interests lie in creating NFTs for digital collectibles, SFTs for fractional ownership or SBTs for governance purposes, we'll help you craft your vision.

Crypto token development

We specialise in the meticulous design of custom cryptocurrency tokens. Our end-to-end solutions cover digital ...

We specialise in the meticulous design of custom cryptocurrency tokens. Our end-to-end solutions cover digital currencies, utility tokens and security tokens. We'll collaborate with you to provide novel solutions and financial opportunities to your community or investors.

Fractionated asset development

We specialise in engineering fractional ownership solutions for diverse assets, such as real estate, artwork or other high-value ...

We specialise in engineering fractional ownership solutions for diverse assets, such as real estate, artwork or other high-value assets. Our team believes in precision; we provide highly customised blockchain-based solutions that work for you. Democratise ownership, enhance liquidity and unlock new investment opportunities.

Wallet development

Our cutting-edge wallet development services span the creation of secure, user-friendly cryptocurrency wallets ...

Our cutting-edge wallet development services span the creation of secure, user-friendly cryptocurrency wallets. Whether it's for Bitcoin, Ethereum or other blockchain assets, we develop wallets that are robust, efficient platforms for storing, managing and transacting digital assets.

Smart contract audits

Our holistic auditing services involve meticulous assessments to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks ...

Our holistic auditing services involve meticulous assessments to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks. We provide detailed reports and recommendations to improve code integrity, protecting your project and its users. Strengthen trust in your blockchain-based applications for flawless performance.

Blockchain transformation strategy

We analyse your unique needs, industry trends and regulatory considerations to develop a comprehensive roadmap ...

We analyse your unique needs, industry trends and regulatory considerations to develop a comprehensive roadmap that maximises the benefits of blockchain technology. Our team works with you to optimise processes, enhance transparency and foster innovation through a well-defined blockchain transformation strategy.

Strategy workshop and training

Empower your organisation with a two-pronged approach: blockchain strategy workshops for management and ...

Empower your organisation with a two-pronged approach: blockchain strategy workshops for management and development training for your IT team. Our sessions seek to align your leadership and technical experts, equipping you to guide your team with strategic insights and hands-on blockchain development training.

Trusted Partnerships